This book cover is based on the history of an incident involving the United States and the newly in power Bolsheviks from the Soviet Union and therefore I felt that the constructivist design would be appropriate. I used Illustrator to design the vector pattern, Photoshop for the aging effects and mock-up, and InDesign for the final compiling and adding text.
Grave Prose is a book cover for a horror novel about a vindictive author who finds himself able to write stories about people that come true, trapping the spirits within his stories. I used Photoshop for the effects and mock-up and InDesign for the final compiling and adding text. 
This book cover was designed for a pamphlet on the Advanced Photoshop course. I used Illustrator for the vector design and Photoshop for the effects and mock-up.
This book cover was designed for fun on a book that, as far as I know, is not real. I used Photoshop for the effects and mock-up.

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